The last but not the least important concern is the connection, the new product makes with the consumer. This connection or the bond between the user and the product builds up only when the user is satisfied with the product performance and begins to cherish it, which in turn creates a demand for the product. In fact, it is the customer satisfaction that makes the winning product and completes the most important criterion for innovation.

Although we were not able to make the actual prototype for our Concept, we presented our idea along with the rough mock-up of piece 1(the detachable portable part)  to our parents and explained to them it's working. They really liked our idea and appreciated it.

Some feedback that we received are listed below:

  1.  The adjustable reading angle mechanism was a big relief for my(Ajitanshu) father. This mechanism was successful in fulfilling its objective of reducing constraint on eyes. It also made reading newspaper on the bed quite comfortable for him.
  2. Mechanism of adjusting the reading angle for the newspaper and adjusting the height of the tripod stand was quite easy and was not in itself a big task, hence the newspaper stand was user friendly.
  3. Since the material used will be aluminium and pp composite material, the stand would ultimately be lightweight.
Some shortcomings that need to be resolved are:
  1. Cost of the product is still an issue, use of tripod stand leads to the additional cost to the product.  We need to think more ways to cut down its cost.
  2. Portability: The product is portable without a stand but not with a stand.

